The Builders Code Blog
You’ve Signed the Pledge – Now What?
For all those companies who’ve signed the Builders Code Acceptable Worksite Pledge – Thank you! By committing to the Pledge of building an acceptable workplace culture, you’ve taken an important step towards creating a more diverse and inclusive workforce, as well as strengthening productivity, safety, and retention in the construction industry. What comes next? Signing […]
The Builders Code: Paving the Way for a Safer and More Inclusive Construction Industry
The Builders Code is not just another initiative; it’s a groundbreaking commitment to transforming the construction industry from the ground up. It sets a standard code of conduct for job sites across British Columbia, addressing the urgent need to eliminate bullying, hazing, harassment, and discrimination. By doing so, we are fostering an environment where workers can thrive, free from the toxic behaviors that have too often been tolerated or overlooked in the past.
7th Annual Construction Month Honours Those Who Help Build BC
Celebrating the talent, expertise and experience BC’s construction and skilled tradespeople are sharing with the next generation.