BC Kicks Off Construction Month with a Trove of Awards

Celebrating the industry that keeps building through environmental, health, and economic crisis

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Victoria BC – April 3, 2023 – BC is breaking ground on its 6th Annual Construction and Skilled Trades Month by recognizing excellence across the industry in three areas of priority: public sector procurement, culture change, and leadership.

“The construction industry is going full steam in an extremely challenging economic environment,” says Chris Atchison, President of the BC Construction Association (BCCA). “Every day they build the housing, schools, and hospitals that British Columbians rely on. They’re dedicated, but they’re not invincible. Construction Month is how we showcase the industry and recognize its contribution to our economy and society.”


The Builders Code is honouring 5 employers with Builders Code Champion Awards for leading the way in advancing the culture of BC’s industrial, commercial, and institutional construction sector. BC’s industry is 95.50% male: since COVID-19, gender diversity has taken a backwards step, with tradeswomen dropping from 6.3% to 4.50% of the skilled workforce.  Now more than ever it’s crucial that employers lead the way to a contemporary culture that will attract new talent and alleviate the workforce shortage. The 2023 Builders Code Champions are:

  • Island Red Cedar Construction – Small Contractor of the Year
  • Lacey Construction – Community Champion
  • Houle Electric – Contractor of the Year – and Workplace Culture Champion – (Large Company Category)
  • Kinetic Construction – Recruiting and Hiring Champion
  • RAM Consulting – Workplace Culture Champion – (Medium Company Category)


Procuring construction services is a highly specialized practice that requires unique experience, knowledge, and skill. As the pressure to build housing and other infrastructures collide with skyrocketing costs, labour shortages, and lack of timely payment, procurement best practises are more important than ever for project success. That’s why the BC Construction Association (BCCA) has chosen to honour public owners who consistently show leadership in the procurement of construction services:

  • Fraser Health, Provincial Health Services Authority, and Vancouver Coastal Health – Facilities Management Procurement Team
  • City of Victoria – Supply Management Services  
  • BC Ministry of Citizen Services – Procurement Services

The Public Sector Procurement and Builders Code Champion Awards will be presented throughout the month of April, at events hosted by the BCCA and Regional Construction Associations.


In Victoria on April 19, the BC Construction Association will present awards for leadership in apprenticeship and community-building at an invitation-only gala dinner. The Leadership Awards are an annual opportunity for the construction industry to acknowledge its outstanding people and the companies they represent.  The 2023 Leadership Award winners are:

  • Wayne Farey, Campbell Construction (Victoria)
  • Ryan Thran, Knappett Projects (Comox)
  • Julia Murrell, Kindred Construction (Vancouver)
  • Tyler Cameron, Acadia Mechanical (Terrace)

The Leadership Awards are sponsored by the BCCA and LNG Canada as the Platinum sponsors of Construction Month 2023.

For more information about the Construction Month award winners please go to www.constructionmonth.ca.


About British Columbia Construction Association

The British Columbia Construction Association (BCCA) works with four Regional Construction Associations to serve more than 10,000 employers in the province’s industrial, commercial, institutional, and residential multi-unit (ICIR) construction industry. BCCA’s programs and services include employee benefits (BCCA Employee Benefits), an industry-leading project opportunities platform (BidCentral), HR policies and culture-building services (Builders Code), and employment programs (Apprenticeship Services, Building Builders, Skilled Trades Employment Program (STEP), Integrating Newcomers, LNG Canada Trades Training Fund, & LNG Canada Connect). BCCA advocates on behalf of all employers to ensure British Columbia’s construction sector remains productive and resilient. For more information about BCCA, please visit: https://www.bccassn.com/


BC Construction Association Media Contact:
Greg Descantes
t. (604) 646-3564

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